Celadon Programmable Remote Control Model: SC-33B

Max. Key Count:

6.5x1.95x0.83 in.

SC-33B Programmable Remote Control The SC-33B Programmable Remote Control Model can be set to transmit custom infrared codes using one of six popular infrared code protocols. See instructions for further details.

Once programmed, the unit can be customized further by reducing key count and using overlays similar to the low volume SC-33A.

The text shown on the remote is to assist in initial programming. Any overlay will cover the text.

Celadon, Inc. | 58 Paul Drive, Suite D | San Rafael, CA 94903 U.S.A. | Sales: +1 (415) 472-1177 x201 | Fax: +1 (415) 472-1179
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